Tell brands to #PayUp

Shockingly, the vast number of orders cancelled or even refused payment during the pandemic cost textile workers £12.3 billion in wages.

It was found that multiple fast fashion brands cancelled orders without notice and failed to pay their globally outsourced garment workers.

These findings resulted in the huge #PayUp movement which applied public pressure to such brands. The campaign did prove to be relatively successful as a number of these brands did commit to paying back their unpaid textile workers. However, the vast majority didn’t make any real commitment to righting their wrongs, nor have they take any steps to help them become more ethical moving forward.

As of April 2021 it has been reported that despite everything big brands have once again been cancelling orders on a massive scale. A move that hits especially hard considering that the deadly second wave of Covid-19 swept through manufacturer countries.

It is important that as consumers of fashion, we educate ourselves and others on what is actually happening in the fast fashion industry and that, where possible, we support small businesses and only ever shop from brands that you trust.

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